Thursday, August 2, 2007

Princess Titles

I was not all recovered from my trip across the Atlantic, when I needed to get something done for the Surprise Swap, so I decided to go back to basics.

Most of the fonts are Sizzlit Monkey Tails. However, that was too big for Snow White, so the S and W are Monkey Tails, and the rest are Sizzlit Boxed Brush.

I used a variety of embellishments appropriate to the character. The stickers for the Ariel, Cinderella and Snow White pieces are Sandylion. Some of them are borders that were cut into smaller pieces. The actual Snow White piece had 3 flowers, the white, and then 2 yellow, but I ran out before I got to mine. I bought them at Hobby Lobby, and it's a 45 minute drive each way, so I figured I could live without flowers on mine for awhile.

The paper is all Bazzill Bling, I will add the colors in a bit.

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